I was reading about this in the local paper yesterday, and realized the accident happened very near where I used to live. I also realized the vehicle would be on a lot less than a mile from my school..... so I had to swing past and snap a picture.
I'm not usually one to gawk at accident scenes, but this one IS a bit unusual. It's also a good example of why I prefer to drive a truck. If the driver had been in an econo-box it's doubtful he would have walked away. Allow me to phrase that differently....
If the man was driving what AlGore wanted him to drive, he'd be dead. If he was driving what AlGore himself drives, he'd be fine.
Picture the scene..... it's 11:30 on a dark night. He's driving down a twisty country road at 45mph. He sees a small light on the side of the road, and slows. Amish walking the road with a flashlight are common here, and drivers usually slow for them. Paying attention to the man with the flashlight, he never sees the two black angus cows standing in the road around that bend, and nails them head on at full speed. Ford SUV meets a ton of beef at 30-40 miles per hour.... and nobody wins.
This is why I drive a truck. Things happen.
Had that happen to us back in the 60's in Texas. Score- Truck 0, steer 1...
Small ride or small clearence=Death Traps.
I notice a hint of brown "spray" on the left front fender. Poor cow.
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