- First.... my friend in hospital... is still there. Nothing to add. It's funny how life can settle into a weird new form of 'normal' so quickly. I do not approve.
- My days are now partially free. I'm teaching and taking adult evening courses, but many of the other hours are clear to enjoy. Housekeeping, lawn work, and assorted other small tasks steal away hours, but I've been making up for the range time I miss all school year. Today I'll pass, but only due to thunderstorms and such. Instead, I'll do hand loading work at the bench.
- Saturday I arrived the range, just to find it was 'youth field day' and the ranges were closed for activities. I only wish I had gotten there earlier to take part and help out.... looked like about 150 youngens were having a ball. They had stations set up with volunteers assisting the kids. Archery, rifle, blackpowder rifle, tree stands, game commission officers, fishing.... all sorts of very kewl things for the kiddos to get involved in. Also, at the end, some serious door prizes. People around here care about their kids. They gave away a shotgun, a rifle, wildlife prints, fishing outfits... very kewl.
- Yesterday I took a load of 'research' ammunition to the range and shot it up. This detritus was the dregs of various tests, guesses, and wild flings at ammunition construction for some vintage military surplus rifles. Cast bullet loads mostly, as I once was deep in a search for a cast bullet load to shoot matches with. Now, given the scarcity of supplies... it's time to dust off that notebook and start up the search again. I'll chronicle the hilarity over on Carteach0, most likely.
- I shot a military rifle match on Sunday, themed for D-day. The middle heir joined me, and as usual whooped my tired old butt. I scored a 346/500, and he beat me by 20 points or so. To rub salt in the wound, he did it with one of my rifles, my ammo, and I paid his match fee. Kind of makes me glad I beat him when he was a child (g). The boy can shoot...... No photos of he or I, as we shot the same squad and could not be picture taking at the same time. It was a warm day, and the rifles grew very hot indeed in the sun with 58 rounds passing through them. Both boy and I came away with left palms turning red from cooking on the hot rifle. Next time... Gloves!
Theres no doubt in my mind that time on the range is my best way to relax right now. I meet good people, enjoy myself, and have moments when total concentration must be applied to the task. Devoting 100% to the meager shooting skills I have leaves nothing left over to worry about my friend, life, and the universe in general.
That Range work looks like fun! But giving away a gun? I'm sure the ACLU will be out accusing the folks of Child Abuse. :(
I'm sorry to hear about your friend. We're still praying both of them, and you. Please let me know if there's any more I can do.
Thank you Rev, it is appreciated.
PRH..... not sure the ACLU has a branch around here. :-)
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