.- Today is the last day of our second marking period. My students are half way through their senior year of high school.... just months away from freedom... from the real world... and all that entails. The change in these young men is phenomenal, over the course of the school year. Students I pegged as pretty sharp turned out to be shlubs. Other students I chalked up as chemical wastes have turned around 180 degrees and become solid as rocks. This change, this growth, is one of the major reasons I do what I do.
- Today I will be nominating four students to the National Technical Honor Society. They have earned it, and I get a pretty fair dinner out it at school years end (g).
- Today, I will spend most of the day in meetings about students who are not doing well. I have discussed (with my partner) the option of mentioning during the meetings that the students grade will suffer because I am stuck in the meeting, which some genius scheduled on the last day of the marking period when I should be entering last minute grades. The conclusion was that doing so would be counter productive, even if satisfying. (update: I made a deal with the 'meeting people'. I got to do my dance first, and then leave, as long as I kept my cell phone/leash in my pocket and agreed to answer any questions that came up.
- This weekend, I intend to relax. For me, that means hobby type work. I'll either be making jewelry or working on something shooty. Perhaps refinishing a rifle stock, or maybe reloading some pistol ammunition. Wish there was a gun show around here this weekend.
- Snow and assorted nasty weather is supposed to roll in tonight, blanketing us with maybe six inches of grade A blech. To be honest, I'm good with that. It's a great excuse to go no place, and do nothing. Around here, we call this 'Farm Show' weather.
- I've been cutting back on crap food, and eating healthier. I need to lose about fifty pounds to be healthier. So.... less junk, smaller portions, regular vitamins, less fat, fewer carbs, etc. That said.... this weekend I will be making this, because it just looks too good not to. Perhaps I will split some wood by hand to work it off..... sigh.
Oh... and I made this last night:
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