Monday, November 24, 2008

Moss Agate

I can hardly call it work... when I enjoy doing it so much. Working with stones, that is.....

Home from a hard day of beating teenagers about the head and neck (searching for an opening to insert knowledge into), I spent a few enjoyable hours working in the shop.

This started as a rough chunk of moss agate, which I sliced on a diamond saw. From there, six stages of polishing wheel, a few moments with a wire wheel, several anxious seconds with a diamond bit, and finally another thirty minutes figuring out how to hang it with silver wire.

Voila! A moss agate pendant!

(There is a triangle of silver wire on the reverse side, soldered in place to keep the mount stable.)

Clicken to embiggen.


Christina RN LMT said...


"He's just this guy, you know?" said...

Thank you Christina!

A piece like this gets mixed reviews. Everyone seems to like the stone, but as jewelry there seems to be no middle ground. I get 'Meh' or I get 'I WANT that'