Monday, October 27, 2008

Another long week starts... Monday, part one :-)

Up early today, to get in early. I'm in a rush to start the easy laid back life of a teacher. (g).

This is where the professional part comes in... have to lay aside any personal thoughts, issues, and concerns and be a separate person at work. I'm there for the students, and I give everything I'm able to in making that work.

In a way, it's like being two people at the same time. I'm paid to to be schizo...

Now I'll pull on the boots and get my butt in gear. Have to plan the week, write a test, and figure out how to get each kid on board without leaving anyone behind. Great gods of instructors, please let the coffee be ready at school.....


PRH said...

Laid back life of a teacher? My wife might have to disagree with that one...but she's home sick as a dog with the flu, so I guess you could say, "she is kicking back this Monday"....


"He's just this guy, you know?" said...

Pat, I was being sarcastic as hell :-)

Hope she feels better soon.

Old NFO said...

Shoot for the middle 50% and be happy if you can get them onboard- The upper 25% will come along out of curiosity, the bottom 25% well... who knows...