Friday, June 27, 2008

Range time with my Smith and Wesson M+P

Good range time today. Shot the Colt, my M+P, and quite a bit with a Mosin 91/30.

The pistol shooting was at fifty feet, at 4"x6" index cards. I consider these good substitutes for silhouette targets, which can get a little pricey. If I ever have to defend myself, I'll just ask them nicely to please hold a card in front of their face.

Fifty feet seems long with that size target..... but the bullets went where they were supposed to.

I've been using this Smith M+P 9c as a CCW weapon for about a year now. Long enough to be confident in it. About 4000 rounds in now, and one shipment back to the factory for repair, and I am a happy camper. The repair was a small thing, just replacing a magazine catch with newer design.

I am a large guy, and this little pistol just vanishes on me in a belt holster.
It's my first foray into a weapon without an external safety lever, and I still find myself sweeping my thumb down as I draw occasionally.

I'd like to shoot some matches with it... to increase skills. Just have to find some around here!


PRH said...

4000 round? Now that's going to a little pricey! I'm too cheap, but I take the .38 S&M on occasion, but a few dozen rounds at a time....still have the old AF Cop eyes, even at my age.

"He's just this guy, you know?" said...

I reload for everything I shoot, and in 9mm and .45 I cast my own bullets.
Only way to be able to shoot these days!

DJK said...

I also have an M&P. I Love it. The action on it is like butter. I love my Glock 21 but I think I might love my M&P in .45 a litttttle more.