Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I came home to work stones.... fill some orders and work out an idea or two.

The first two casing pendants simply shattered in final polishing, and the third I ground about .010" too thin on the base.

Perhaps I should just call it quits till after dinner..... :-(

Working with stone can be like that. It's a natural thing, not a man made amalgamation of rock like substances. Each piece has it's flaws and personalities, just like people. Unlike people, hitting the snowflake obsidian with a big hammer will not solve any issues.

A spicy Caribbean meatball sandwich, a mug of tea, and I'll try again.

(evening update)

Finally got some
thing that didn't shatter on me :-)

Well, actually a few things. Two pieces done this evening, and parts of another two.

This is moss agate, with the edges finished and hung in a silver wire mounting as a pendant. It's interesting stuff, with a translucent center and deep green layers surrounding it.

Some day I'd love to wander about the west and find this stuff in it's natural state.

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