Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I'm not ignoring the blog................

Sorry for light posting.... just not much to write about the last few days.
I'm not sure if my muse is sick and just missing.

Politics... meh. Same 'ol same 'ol. The same crowd trying to screw us the same old ways.

Economy.... meh. See above.

School.... ehh. Finally got a few kids turned around and working, but no way to tell yet if it will stick. Others are cruising along just fine without much help.

Blog life..... Tam's beloved cat died... and that is more important than any politician's brain fart.
Wish there was a way to help her out.

Nope.... nothing else.... I got nothing.


1 comment:

Home on the Range said...

You could write about your school today, with the boys. . and life lessons.

Or there's always cornbread.